Wednesday, May 26, 2010

two things...a day late

So it appears I've been quite behind on my blogging and reading! My Google Reader shows 1000+ unread - yikes! A very busy last week and family in town has somewhat prevented me from being on top of the extraneous tasks in my life, but the upcoming 3-day weekend is all I need to get back in the groove!

Lately, I've been joining in Kassi's Two Things Tuesdays and decided that I'd stay on that...even if its a day late!

Right now, I'm absolutely loving having these peonies around the house. They are so huge and have a very faint sweet smell that I find intoxicating. They are literally about the size of dinner plates - just gorgeous!

Consider a strange thing to be loving, but I am so thrilled about this mortar and pestle I picked up yesterday. Carl and I have been discussing how badly we need one and I happened upon one at Sur La Table yesterday and couldn't help wrapping it up and bringing home to my sweetie. We've been pretty geeked out on cooking and kitchen gadgets, so this is the perfect thing to add to our almost perfectly outfitted kitchen.

Hope you are all having a wonderful week so far! 

What are you loving? 

Leave it in my comments, or grab the McLinky and link up!




  1. the peonies are gorgeous
    and i love the little bit of your home i get to see - i want to see more!
    i love love sur la table... i wish i could spend a whole pay check of dan's in that store. ahhhhh....
    thanks for playing along, chels!

  2. Those peonies are just beautiful! My favorite flower's for sure...
    My google reader is begging for mercy to be read, I am sure. I can't even begin to sort through it....


I'm so happy you dropped by to check out my Vignettes. I love to read each of your comments and check out your blog too!! XO, Chelsea